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About me

Welcome to my academic website! I am a Colombian mathematician with a broad range of interests, including mathematical modeling, data analysis, pure mathematics, algorithms, parameter estimation, mathematical logic, and quantitative methods. I am passionate about exploring the connections between these various fields and finding new ways to apply mathematical techniques to solve real-world problems. I am currently working as a postdoc in the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES) at the University of Oslo (UiO) on the NORDEMICS project, a historical epidemiology project which examines the impact of pathogens and pandemics on the development of Nordic societies.

In my free time, I am also an avid cat lover, so be sure to check out my cat’s Instagram account@agdatomasa.

Research work

In September 2021, I obtained a Ph.D. in the Mathematical engineering program at the Universidad EAFIT in the Department of Mathematics under the advisory of María Eugenia Puerta and Sair Arboleda My research focuses on combining formal mathematical tools like interval analysis, differential equations, and mathematical optimization to study of transmission of infection diseases. The title of my Ph.D. thesis is “Interval analysis for handling uncertainty in epidemiological models based on ODEs that simulate the transmission of infectious diseases with application to Dengue transmission”.

During my Ph.D., I worked as a research assistant in the project Early warning system for dengue in Riohacha, Neiva, Bello, and Itagüí, as a tool for the taking of decisions in favor of prevention and control.

Before all this, I wrote a master thesis titled: “Understanding epidemics from mathematical models. Details of the 2010 Dengue epidemic in Bello (Antioquia, Colombia)” for the master program of Applied mathematics at Universidad EAFIT.

Keywords: Biomathematics, Interval Analysis, Parameter estimation, Optimization, Differential Equations


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Teaching experience


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More information

Check out my CV.

Paola Lizarralde-Bejarano's website